Monday, September 22, 2008

Missed-monarch: historical/fictional paradigm

Anyone who knows anything about me probably knows how I feel about sophia coppola... I hate her. I hate her almost as much as I hate Gus Van Sant. Her exaggeratedly weak feminine characters are almost as disgusting as the oversensationalized tradgedies with no style that Mr. Van Sant has the audacity to call movies. The only thing that makes her more dispicable is the lack of penis... she should know better. Since the begininning of hollywood men have oversensationalized, objectified and hated women; We don't need anymore help, but thanks. I've tried to read her films in different contexts and I still can't justify why the hell these girls have no personality, no ambitions that aren't completely distructive or selfish, and totally starving! I know that the virgin suicides is based on the novel and the destiny of the Lisbin girls were predetermined way before Ms. Coppola got her paws in it, but I felt like the story would have been drastically different if they just let the poor girls eat a damn sandwich!!!!
This being said, I recently re watched Marie Antionette, my most favorite of her films only because I am a sucker for a biopic. Anyone who knows anything about Marie Antionette knows this film is full of shit. First of all, even though kirsten dunst looks young, marie antionette was a child. Not to mention, she was a plump child. This trait is a huge factor in why the people of france considered her decadant and excessive; ultimately killing her. Why she's being portrayed by an eighty pound thirty yeard old, I have no idea.
Shortly after viewing this, I watched the Other Boleyn Girl. Oh geez. gag me with a spoon, Natalie portman is SUCH A BITCH! I can't get into a synopsis but I can tell you this; she stabs her sister in the back, gets Henry Tudor to abandon his wife and child in this elaborate plan to become queen. I know that this film is actually based on a historical fiction, but I still feel the need to ask why!? Why are these movies being made that portray women in a position of power who only got there because of their scheming and/or ultimately fail everyone and have to die? And why is the one of the most 'important' mainstream female directors buying into this crap? Its becoming a popular hollywood genre, starting out with the success of Elizabeth. I'm hoping to find redemption. I want to watch one of these biopics and feel my gender isn't ultimately damned to a life of servitude unless I become a loose woman or a frigid bitch. I think I might find it in The Coco Chanel made for lifetime movie. I know she's not exactly royalty, but in all reality, she really really is. She is the Queen of fashion. No woman will ever be above her, sorry Anna Wintour. Shirley Maclaine, it's all up to you......don't fail me now!